Semoga Seluruh Umat Islam Mengecapi Kejayaan di Dunia, Akhirat Kelak..
Ya Allah, ya Rahman, ya Rahim,
Saat ini kami mengangkat tangat memohon ke hadrat-Mu, memohon perlindungan dan
pertolongan daripada-Mu, ya Allah. Kami sedar, kami akur, wabak Covid 19 ini adalah
teguran daripada-Mu, ya Allah. Maka, ampunkan segala dosa kami, kesalahan dan kesilapan
kami, ya Allah. bantulah kami, hamba-hamba-Mu yang lemah ini, ya Allah. Angkatlah,
hapuskanlah wabak ini, lenyapkannya, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Berkuasa.
Rabbir Yassir Wala Tu'assir Rabbi Tammim Bil Khair.


Friday, 31 December 2021

Exit 2021

The year 2021 has brought a lot of damages to us - physically, spiritually, and mentally. But miraculously, we survived.

The greatest achievement was to survive battles we thought were impossible. That alone deserves celebration.

Ultimately this year has taught me how to love and appreciate myself more. Lessons to be treasured forever.

So finally closing this chapter of my life. To all the people I met, to those who left, to those who stayed, to those who helped me and to those who became part of my 2021 — thank you. 

2021. Terima kasih atas lukanya yang mendewasakan. Terima kasih atas kenangan indah yang berharga.

2022. Semoga tahun ini lebih kuat. Lebih indah memori nya. Lebih setia orang nya. Lebih bahagia tangisannya.

Mari berbahagia, dan hidup luar biasa. Happy new year. May the coming year be kind to you, you deserve it.

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